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Home  > InVeris - FATS® 180MIL
InVeris - FATS® 180MIL
InVeris - FATS® 180MIL

InVeris - FATS® 180MIL

The FATS® 180MIL delivers 180¡ high definition projection and 5.1 surround sound, increasing the realism of training as well as heightening awareness and proper use of force responses. Current FATS® 100 systems can be easily upgraded to the FATS® 180MIL. The system includes three borderless screens and fits into almost any space with at least a 10Õ tall ceiling. Each screen provides a 150Ó X 84Ó (16:9 aspect ratio) with borderless projection surface. In addition, the FATS 180MIL offers:
  • Military Validation Ð The FATS 180 MIL offers the same high-fidelity ballistic engine validated by the U.S. Army, U.S. Marine Corps and other military customers.
  • Immersive Training Ð Supports both 3D Marksmanship and Judgmental training.
  • Courseware Ð Delivered with a full array of training courseware.
  • Hit Detection System Ð Three digital cameras interface directly with the same Off-CPU real-time (OCR) processor used by the FATS® 100 system for an easy upgrade path.
  • Projectors Ð Ultra short throw projectors provide the user greater freedom of movement within the training space while displaying stunning visuals in a 180¡environment.
  • Low-Light Subsystem (optional) Ð Allows users to practice in simulated low-light conditions with both hand-held and weapon-mounted flashlights.
  • Rack Ð The FATS 180MIL uses the same transportable rack as the FATS 100 system.
  • Realistic Sounds Ð The self-powered audio system plays scenarios in 5.1 surround sound. Using the directional sound effects board, the instructor can incorporate unsettling sounds from any direction, including a barking dog, crying baby, gunshots and more to elevate situational awareness.