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Home  > InVeris - Overhead Target Carriers: XWT and XCT
InVeris - Overhead Target Carriers: XWT and XCT
InVeris - Overhead Target Carriers: XWT and XCT

InVeris - Overhead Target Carriers: XWT and XCT

InVeris Training Systems offers the XWT, the industry's first wireless, 360 turning target retrieval system. Available in indoor and outdoor versions, the XWT is weather-resistant for extreme environments. It moves along a rail system, powered by an internal direct-drive, dual-motor system, with anti-static wheels for a quieter, smoother operation. For those looking for a non-turning target carrier, the XCT target carrier operates on an overhead monorail track, allowing smooth and rapid transport of the target up or down range in increments of feet, yards or meters. The XCT is operated via touch-screen controller at the firing line and provides a myriad of target commands at the touch of a button. The carrier may be stopped at any distance from the firing line through the tablet.