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Home  > InVeris - Road RangeTM
InVeris - Road RangeTM
InVeris - Road RangeTM

InVeris - Road RangeTM

The Road Range™ is a self-contained mobile firearms training facility that integrates live-fire and simulated training capabilities in a mobile environment. The ballistically secure trailer is fully equipped to produce a three position, state-of-the-art, live-fire range, or can be equipped with a FATS® virtual training system for less lethal and non-lethal options such as verbal commands, baton, chemical spray and TASER®. The Road Range™ provides a comprehensive solution for marksmanship, sustainment, and judgmental training including force escalation/de-escalation, use of force, and shoot/no shoot. The Road Range™ Double and Quad models deliver a 25-yard target distance, and offer climate-controlled heating and air-conditioning for year-round comfort. The HEPA filtered ventilation system meets NIOSH design standards, and provides a cost-effective and timely solution for acquiring a training facility.