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Home  > InVeris - Turnkey Range Solutions
InVeris - Turnkey Range Solutions
InVeris - Turnkey Range Solutions

InVeris - Turnkey Range Solutions

InVeris's Turnkey Range Solutions provide professionals to design, equip and deliver training for your best-in-class live-fire range, on time and within budget, meeting your end user's requirements. Brand new ranges are constructed in as little as 120 days, start to finish. Current ranges are upgraded and retrofitted with the newest advances in realistic targetry, ballistic containment, environmental considerations and more. What does this mean for you? One contract. One vendor. One point of contact. InVeris's knowledge and experience working with multiple contractors in a GC role and navigating various contract vehicles streamlines the process of complex construction procurements. Most InVeris military live-fire range equipment has been operating in the field on US military bases and international installations for a decade or longer.