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Home  > JBC Corp - Recompression Chamber Emergency Kit Assembly
JBC Corp - Recompression Chamber Emergency Kit Assembly
JBC Corp - Recompression Chamber Emergency Kit Assembly

JBC Corp - Recompression Chamber Emergency Kit Assembly

The Recompression Chamber Emergency Kit assembly is designed in accordance with the UPDATED requirements in the U.S. Navy Diving Manual Revision 6, Change A. The kit is assembled in a durable JBC Grab & Go case system with wheels and has an extendable handle for easy transport. The Primary Kit is a compact soft case and includes the necessary Diagnostic and Emergency equipment needed for immediate patient evaluation and treatment. The Secondary Kit contains the Emergency Airway equipment, Intravenous Infusion Therapy equipment, a Minor Surgical Kit and miscellaneous supplies. All products are stored in clear, color coded labeled, re-sealable vinyl bags, which are easily passed through the chamber med-lock.

ModelItem Number
Recompression Chamber Emergency Kit Assembly20-10A