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Home  > LexTM3 - LuxCommander Portable Worklight
LexTM3 - LuxCommander Portable Worklight
LexTM3 - LuxCommander Portable Worklight

LexTM3 - LuxCommander Portable Worklight

Designed for use in harsh environments, these rugged work lights are ideal for manufacturing, inspection and maintenance applications. LuxCommander Portable Work Lights are typically used in aircraft and aerospace applications, as well as shipyards, construction sites, temporary emergency shelters and anywhere powerful, portable lighting is needed. LuxCommander Portable Work Lights are also lighter in weight, more compact, and more energy efficient than competitive products. Superior Light Output Equals Increased Safety. With versions ranging from 8,200 to 16,400 Lumens, The LuxCommander Portable Work Lights supply three times more light than conventional fluorescent work lights, resulting in brighter and safer work sites. The fixture's ballast accepts anywhere from 120 to 277 VAC with appropriate connector.

Model Item #
LuxCommander Portable Worklight B6700