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Home  > Liteye - M-AUDS (Mobile - Anti-UAS Defense System)
Liteye - M-AUDS (Mobile - Anti-UAS Defense System)
Liteye - M-AUDS (Mobile - Anti-UAS Defense System)

Liteye - M-AUDS (Mobile - Anti-UAS Defense System)

The Mobile Anti-Unmanned Aircraft System Defense System (M-AUDS) integrates the enhanced battle-proven Anti-UAS Defense System (AUDS) backbone capable of remotely detecting, tracking, identifying and disrupting small UAS using non-kinetic and/or kinetic defeat methods into a range of vehicles that can provide rapid mobile deployment of AUDS to critical areas. The M-AUDS can be integrated as a kit onto an MRAP All-Terrain Vehicle (M-ATV), Stryker, combat support and rapid response vehicles as a mobile platform to mount and control the AUDS solution. The radar, positioner and antennas are mounted on a five-section mast. The mast extends to full height when the operator commands it to extend. The time to fully extend or retract is less than two minutes. M-AUDS provides rapid response and deployment of AUDS to complex remote, open and/or undeveloped areas and urban environments to support operations/missions against UAS being used for terrorist attacks, espionage or other malicious activities.

  • TRL-9, Combat Proven since 2016 with over 1,000 confirmed defeats
  • AUDS provides multiple layers of C-UAS defeat protocol
  • AUDS supports All-Domain Operations Ð Land, Air, Sea, Space, Electro-Magnetic Spectrum
  • Integration with all domain Command and Control
  • 360-degree radar search and track
  • Can track up to 1,000 targets at once
  • Extendable mast bolted into cargo bed
  • Custom design for any vehicle
  • On-the-Move capabilities optional
  • Field level installation service available
SPECS: Weight: 750 lbs Size: 19 x Pelican Cases 88 inches long by 108 inches wide. Power: System power is provided by vehicle power systems Operation: Single operator command and control. Portability: Maneuverable / On-the-Move capable