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Home  > London Bridge Trading (LBT) - ADAPTIV Combative Suit Kit
London Bridge Trading (LBT) - ADAPTIV Combative Suit Kit
London Bridge Trading (LBT) - ADAPTIV Combative Suit Kit

London Bridge Trading (LBT) - ADAPTIV Combative Suit Kit

ADAPTIV gear allows the end user to train at real speeds in a multitude of environments. Its injury-prevention/impact-reduction system enhances training performance by allowing operators to realistically practice proper detainee handling, shoot/don't shoot drills with approved marking cartridges, and other close-quarters combat skills. Since military and law enforcement are encouraged to use less-than-lethal force whenever possible, this kind of training is more necessary than ever. That's why we developed the most advanced, made in America fight suit on the market.

The ADAPTIV kit includes all components needed to support any combative program. The Kit can be customized to individual customer needs. ItÕs the only Berry Compliant Fight Gear on the market.
  • ADAPTIV Helmet
  • Elbow /Ulna Pads
  • Combat Gloves
  • Padded Shorts
  • Torso Protector
  • Throat Guard
  • Boxing Gloves
  • Knee/Shin Pads