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Home  > London Bridge Trading (LBT) - Navy Port Security Ballistic Flotation Vest
London Bridge Trading (LBT) - Navy Port Security Ballistic Flotation Vest
London Bridge Trading (LBT) - Navy Port Security Ballistic Flotation Vest

London Bridge Trading (LBT) - Navy Port Security Ballistic Flotation Vest

This vest is on the Navy AEL approved list. The design works off the density of removable foam inserts that are non-pneumatic, so they float the end user face up to prevent loss of life if knocked unconscious. Design is based around the Navy tested and approved Poly Plates that are neutrally buoyant. LBT-2564A Vest, Naval, Boarding, Ballistic, Flotation, NCB Adult, Type V Special Use UL and Coast Guard Compliant.

  • Magazine pouch
  • Weapon sling
  • Belt pouch, NCB
  • Belt weapon stow
  • Strobe pouch
  • Pistol mag pouch
  • UL/Coast Guard Approved
  • Buoyancy: 17.5 pounds
  • Fits chest sizes 32-52 inches
  • Ballistic Level NIJ III
  • Mesh inside for cooling and water drainage
  • All pocket drain hole configurations are UL approved
  • Overall weight of vest: 3.8 lbs without plates
Additional Information
Model Item Number
Ballistic Flotation Vest LBT-2564A-KIT