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Home  > LRAD - LRAD Wireless System
LRAD - LRAD Wireless System
LRAD - LRAD Wireless System

LRAD - LRAD Wireless System

The lightweight and compact wireless kit enables wireless operation of LRAD systems at ranges up to 300 meters. The integrated push to talk button and large volume control knob allow for simple one handed operation. A 3. 5mm jack connects to a standard MP3 player or other audio device used in conjunction with the headset microphone. The receiver features cutting edge technology, which stabilizes reception and minimizes RF interference by selecting the strongest incoming signal. Additionally, the antennas swivel to achieve even stronger reception. A LCD display provides channel & frequency information, battery life, RF-input level, audio-output status and accumulated operating time. The receiver operates on power from the LRAD interface connector. The body-pack transmitter features 3. 5mm microphone and line level inputs, providing wireless transmission of microphone or line level signals. Like the receiver, the body-pack transmitter also features 188 selectable UHF frequencies.