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Home  > M2DCON - Field GDS+
M2DCON - Field GDS+
M2DCON - Field GDS+

M2DCON - Field GDS+

The Field GDS+ is capable of vaporizing one liquid and combining it with a gaseous stream to decon existing and emerging threats. The system is configurable for the liquid and gas decontaminants. In short, the Field GDS+ has the ability to evolve to meet emerging threats. The advanced and intelligent system provides the user with a robust and easy to use decontamination system. Our gaseous decontamination systems are designed to limit the preventative maintenance requirements. It is recommended to calibrate sensor bundles every 12 months; the typical sensor life is 5 years. Sensor bundles may be shipped to our facility for calibration services or users can calibrate using simple to follow instructions. Peristaltic pump tubing should be replaced every 6 months; users can follow the simple instructions to easily replace the tubing assemblies. FEATURES:
  • GDS+ decontamination module in shipping case with slide-out rack for easy maintenance access
  • Dual-use shipping container for transporting the system and serving as a decontamination enclosure
  • Enhanced Sensor Bundle utilizes state of the art detection for measuring hydrogen peroxide and water concentrations and temperature
  • Set of cables designed for easy setup. Each cable is keyed to prevent errors during setup
  • Set of hoses are rugged while maintaining maximum flexibility for ease of installation and storage
  • The operator interface is intuitive and easy to operate and monitor during operation
  • Aeration unit to convert the hydrogen peroxide exhaust into oxygen and water vapor
  • Chem-Bio Filter Cradle, and a Power Inverter
  • Optionally a Dehumidifier can be included to ensure the humidity level is maintained allowing the decon system to provide dry hydrogen peroxide vapor for the most efficient and effective decon cycle.