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Home  > Med-Eng - BombTec
Med-Eng - BombTec
Med-Eng - BombTec

Med-Eng - BombTec

BombTec™ is a new and modular system of Hook and Line (HAL®), EOD Tools and Search equipment.

Users can procure and deploy with their own solution of exactly the right Kits and Modules for their mission. Kits range from core to standard and enhance capabilities. There are over 80 smaller Modules that provide specific functional capabilities to supplement the Kits.

BombTec's unique packing system includes custom-designed Pouches, Backpacks and other carriers that store inside one another to minimize weight, enhance mobility and optimize storage.

The BombTec system of modular equipment and carriers allows units to deploy with as much or as little equipment as needed for an individual operator or a team, depending on the mission.

HAL Kits include:
  • Core
  • Lightweight Core
  • Standard
  • Backpack
  • Maritime Backpack
EOD Tools Kits include:
  • Individual
  • Core
  • Standard
  • Enhanced