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Home  > Med-Eng - EOD 10E Bomb Suit
Med-Eng - EOD 10E Bomb Suit
Med-Eng - EOD 10E Bomb Suit

Med-Eng - EOD 10E Bomb Suit

The EOD 10E is a highly protective and capable system that has been adopted by Bomb Technicians across the United States.

It has been 'Certified' to the Bomb Suit NIJ Standard 0117.01 and offers the following:

  • More ergonomic design to reduce weight and increase mobility and flexibility• Completely new EOD helmet to increase protection and improve fit
  • Integrated voice command system to keep the user's hands free to carry or deploy tools• Extensive V50 testing against fragments of 17-gr, 44-gr and 207-gr
  • Mission-specific lighting
  • Enhanced ventilation to mitigate heat stress and keep the user feeling refreshed
  • Improved foot protection for a closer fit and natural walking motion
  • Shielded electronics for compatibility with Electronic Countermeasures (ECM) when dealing with a Radio Controlled IED (RCIED)
  • Enhanced situational awareness, including static and dynamic fields of view
  • OPTIONS include: Breathing Apparatus visor, cooling systems, communication systems, video camcorder, steel visor, hand protector.