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Home  > NOVO DR - 3D Arc
NOVO DR - 3D Arc
NOVO DR - 3D Arc

NOVO DR - 3D Arc

3D Arc - World's First Portable 3D X-Ray Imaging System

• Revolutionary 3D view providing the fast unprecedented exact location of all internal items
• Easy user interface provides X, Y, Z with extremely accurate measurements of 0.4"-0.8" (1-2mm) in seconds
• Automatic process providing stereoscopic imaging from just the second image taken• Modular tracks allowing for super-wide inspection & lightweight compact footprint for transportation
• The NOVO Smart Wearable HD Goggles allow for state-of-the-art 3D viewing and analysis of unprecedented images produced by the NOVO 3D Arc. Never before has field 3D imaging and super-precise measurement been easier or faster
• Automatic "Genie" Algorithm pulls out minute details on even just 1 pulse image
• Wired, wireless & hybrid communication
• No contact or moving of the object inspected
• Super easy laser-assisted placement technology
• Dramatically increases safety & precision for hand entry and disruption