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Home  > Ops-Core - Accessory Rail Connectors (ARCs) with Optional Bungees (Patent Pending)
Ops-Core - Accessory Rail Connectors (ARCs) with Optional Bungees (Patent Pending)
Ops-Core - Accessory Rail Connectors (ARCs) with Optional Bungees (Patent Pending)

Ops-Core - Accessory Rail Connectors (ARCs) with Optional Bungees (Patent Pending)

The Ops-Core Skeleton Rail is a new universal rail (one size fits all) for the ACH platform. Ops-Core continues to carry the ARC Rails for Sentry, FAST High Cut, FAST Carbon and Maritime.

  • Multiple mounting locations on the upper and lower ARC dovetails to support lights, cameras, goggles, etc.
  • Corner of the rail designed for compatibility with the Ops-Core O2 Single Strap Kit
  • Snag-free HALO, HAHO and static line operations
  • Mounts existing chinstrap holes in the helmet
  • Kit includes two ACH-ARC rails, adapters, and mounting hardware
  • Color: Black, Urban Tan, Foliage Green
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