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Home  > Optics 1 - COSMO
Optics 1 - COSMO
Optics 1 - COSMO
Optics 1 - COSMO
Optics 1 - COSMO
Optics 1 - COSMO

Optics 1 - COSMO

COSMO is a compact, lightweight See-Spot device capable of detecting and visualizing SWIR (Short Wave Infrared) designators, markers, pointers and strobes. It can be used in a rail-mounted or handheld configurations and is small enough to fit into most plate carrier pouches.

The user can easily detect and observe laser marks from rotary wing, ISR and CAS platforms above or on the ground from a JTAC, JFO or FO self-employed laser designator/marker. It allows the user to confidently and accurately aim a designator or marker and visualize the precise position of mark on the target.

COSMO is equipped with a multi-PRF (Pulse Rate Frequency) code counting APD (Avalanche Photodiode) that will detect and display up to three codes simultaneously.