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Home  > Optics 1 - ECOSI
Optics 1 - ECOSI
Optics 1 - ECOSI
Optics 1 - ECOSI

Optics 1 - ECOSI

ECOSI is a multi-function device that overlays a SWIR (Short Wave Infrared) image on to a NVD image for identifying out of band SWIR aim lasers, pointers, beacons, strobes and 1064nm markers and designators during day and night operations. It has HUD (Heads Up Display) capability that provides real-time, geo-referenced navigation/route execution. When used with Android devices, the NVD becomes the HUD for identifying teammates, targets and route points.

ECOSI can also be used during the day with an optional daytime 2x adapter accessory for See-Spot operations. ECOSI's compact and lightweight design easily attaches to NVDs in mere seconds without tools using a simple bracket. It also comes in two configurations, one with an internal battery and one with external battery.
ECOTI Configuration supporting PVS-31
*other configurations PN are avaialble.