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Home  > Otis - Deluxe Military Cleaning System
Otis - Deluxe Military Cleaning System
Otis - Deluxe Military Cleaning System

Otis - Deluxe Military Cleaning System

The Deluxe Military Cleaning System is specifically designed to clean and maintain all 5. 56mm, 7. 62mm, 9mm, 40 Caliber, 45 Caliber, 50 Caliber, and 12 Gauge weapon systems. Solid blackened brass components, and flexible cleaning rods allow you to clean any barrel length. Now automatics can be cleaned correctly from Breech-to-Muzzle® without disassembly. All-caliber patches and heavy duty bore brushes easily strip the copper from bores. Special handle with scraper, pick, and brushes clean the receiver, trigger group, and bolt. Everything is neatly packed in an 11oz. , pocket size soft pack case