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Home  > Persistent Systems - Rugged Display & Controller (RDC)
Persistent Systems - Rugged Display & Controller (RDC)
Persistent Systems - Rugged Display & Controller (RDC)

Persistent Systems - Rugged Display & Controller (RDC)

An EUD for End Users Ð Your direct interface to the networked battlefield. Complete situational awareness is now at your fingertips. Connect the RDC to the MPU5 to enable Command & Control of unmanned systems, TAK operations, HD video streaming, Wave Relay® MANET configuration, and more.

  • For Warfighters and Developers
  • Part of the complete MPU5 kit - MPU5, Dual PTT, & RDC
  • Eliminates the need for external USB hubs
  • Works seamlessly underwater with joysticks for mouse-mode
  • Designed for Android™ OS
  • Download apps for Command & Control