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Home  > PLAE - Crossgrind
PLAE - Crossgrind
PLAE - Crossgrind

PLAE - Crossgrind

Crossgrind shares many of the unique characteristics that make Achieve so popular. Built on a single-layer concept, it delivers solid- grip technology and a dense reclaimed rubber composition designed for maximum charge and absorption. Engineered to take a beating, Crossgrind provides a low-cost alternative to Achieve, boasting a durable design that absorbs shock, reduces barbell bounce, and returns natural energy for a safe, dynamic workout. Unlike our other rubber systems, Crossgrind comes in only one color and thickness, allowing us to minimize cost without compromising product integrity.

Model Item #
Crossgrind 8mm CRG8MM
Crossgrind 13mm CRG13MM
Crossgrind 18mm CRG18MM