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Home  > QinetiQ - TALON Tactical Disinfecting Robot (TDR)
QinetiQ -  TALON Tactical Disinfecting Robot (TDR)
QinetiQ -  TALON Tactical Disinfecting Robot (TDR)

QinetiQ - TALON Tactical Disinfecting Robot (TDR)

The new TALON -Tactical Disinfecting Robot (TDR) is a remote and autonomous disinfecting robot. TALON-TDR combines the robust and life-saving TALON robot and Far-UV Sterilray's lamp. Keeping others from a safe distance, TALON-TDR is able to perform disinfecting methods benefiting Military bases, hospitals, schools, corporations, shopping establishments and more.

Using patented and proprietary techniques, Far-UV Sterilray develops Excimer Wave Sterilray (EWS) UV lamps that emit 222nm UV. Testing and research has shown that Sterilray's EWS lamps are up to 1,000 times more effective at killing viruses than current methods. Even the air can be disinfected by EWS UV light Ð all without the use of agents/chemicals.

  • Reduces exposure to germs, viruses and bacteria
  • Optional onboard semi-autonomous navigation system
  • Eliminates personnel going into potentially contaminated areas
  • Minimizes personnel fatigue carrying disinfection solutions and wearing PPE when performing disinfection procedures