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Home  > QinetiQ - TALON V
QinetiQ - TALON V
QinetiQ - TALON V

QinetiQ - TALON V

TALON V is the only tactical, mid-sized robot that has successfully completed TARDEC's Interoperability Profile (IOP) testing. Its enhanced electronics and software is designed to provide open architecture, increased performance, flexibility and system level modularity.

  • Autonomous mapping
  • Supports plug and play with third party components
  • SAE JAUS AS4 compliant
  • HD video, dual purpose thermal/daytime zoom camera
  • Sufficient torque to climb a 45¡ staircase
  • Speeds of 6 miles per hour
  • Heavy Lift, Multiple Degree-of-Freedom Arm Manipulator
  • Flexible controller options
  • Easily maintained
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