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Home  > QinetiQ - TASK
QinetiQ - TASK
QinetiQ - TASK

QinetiQ - TASK

QinetiQ North America's TASK ™ Tactical Atmospheric Sounding Kit enables forward deployed personnel to observe and report real-time atmospheric data, including winds aloft, in support of localized weather forecasting or tactical, weather-dependent missions such as embarked air cavalry operations, Precision Airdrop, or artillery support. The TASK system continuously measures and broadcasts wind speed, wind direction, pressure, temperature and humidity while ascending through the air column, to altitudes greater than 40,000 ft, on a six cubic foot weather balloon. TASK is fully PADS®/JPADS compatible, weighs less than five pounds, and can be used to calculate HALO/HAHO release points.

Additional Information
ModelItem Number
Tactical Atmospheric Sounding Kit (TASK™)11801-700