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Home  > Rapiscan - CarViewTM Portal
Rapiscan - CarViewTM Portal
Rapiscan - CarViewTM Portal

Rapiscan - CarViewTM Portal

The AS&E CarViewTM Portal offers high-throughput, multi-technology screening of passenger vehicles, helping operators detect threats and prevent them from crossing borders and entering secure facilities. The compact CarView system screens occupied cars and small trucks using innovative detector technology that simultaneously produces two views of the scanned vehicle: a high-quality, dual-energy transmission image and a photo-like Z Backscatter® image. Dual-energy transmission X-rays penetrate the vehicle and generate a colorized image that helps detect threats such as weapons and vehicle-borne improvised explosive devices (VBIEDs). Our proven Z Backscatter technology produces a photo-like image of the contents of a vehicle, highlighting organic materials such as stowaways, explosives, drugs, currency, and other contraband.
  • High throughput, drive-through screening
  • Multi-technology system for threat and contraband detection
  • Small footprint
  • Highly relocatable