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Home  > Rapiscan - ZBV Mobile Z Backscatter System
Rapiscan - ZBV Mobile Z Backscatter System
Rapiscan - ZBV Mobile Z Backscatter System

Rapiscan - ZBV Mobile Z Backscatter System

Low-cost, easy to use, and highly versatile, AS&E's ZBV® C-Class system is built into a standard delivery van and can screen vehicles, cargo containers, and other objects for threats and contraband simply by driving past them. The ZBV system's single-sided configuration and varied operating modes provide maximum maneuverability and flexibility for multiple applications, and it can be immediately deployed in response to security threats. With easy-to-interpret imaging for rapid analysis, the ZBV system enables high-throughput screening of vehicles and cargo. The ZBV system employs Z Backscatter® technology for a photo-like image that reveals threats and contraband that transmission-only X-ray systems can miss. The ZBV system is ideal for screening vehicles for large quantities of concealed cigarettes, currency, drugs, explosives, and stowaways. It can also be equipped with the Tx-ViewTM option, which provides a dual-energy transmission image for enhanced detection of metallic threats, including weapons. With hundreds sold, the ZBV system is the top-selling, non-intrusive cargo and vehicle inspection solution in the world.
  • Backscatter imaging for photo-like images
  • Easy to use
  • High-throughput scanning
  • Highly versatile with multiple operational modes