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Home  > RightEye, Inc. - Vision System Solution
RightEye, Inc. - Vision System Solution
RightEye, Inc. - Vision System Solution
RightEye, Inc. - Vision System Solution

RightEye, Inc. - Vision System Solution

An FDA-cleared device designed to improve a warfighter's dynamic vision and test military members who may have undergone injuries such as TBI or other visually impairing incidents. The all-in-one, portable RightEye Vision System provides a full understanding of an individual's visual health and eye-brain connection. RightEye can analyze a dozen measures per millisecond and determine gaps between where a user's eyes are looking and where they should be looking. With this information, military members can work to improve these eye movement patterns.

  • Sharpshooters require nearly perfect pursuits to scan and fixations to aim.
  • Tactical Teams demand near-instant reaction times to make the right decision at the right time.
  • Every soldier needs accurate eye movements to quickly assess any possible threats in a dynamic environment.
  • Recruiters can use the RightEye system to measure elite visual performance, so they can recruit the best.