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Home  > Riveer - Advanced Decontamination and Wash System for Hazardous Materials
Riveer - Advanced Decontamination and Wash System for Hazardous Materials
Riveer - Advanced Decontamination and Wash System for Hazardous Materials

Riveer - Advanced Decontamination and Wash System for Hazardous Materials

A full power hot water wash and rinse trailer, Riveer's Advanced Decontamination and Wash System for Hazardous Materials produces a high flow rate that dramatically cuts cleaning time. The ADWS-HM has many other functions as well, including a high-powered, adjustable foamer that integrates with various chemical response agents, and turbine engine flush technology with a multitude of connectors. These unique features make this highly modular unit ideal for emergency response situations, large or small, where hazardous materials or contaminants are present.

  • 175 PSI
  • Completely self-contained
  • Ideal for decontamination and anti-corrosion PM
Additional Information
Model Item #
Advanced Decontamination and Wash System for Hazardous Materials ADWS-HM