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Home  > ROSIE - Remote Optical Screening of Individuals in Entryways
ROSIE - Remote Optical Screening of Individuals in Entryways
ROSIE - Remote Optical Screening of Individuals in Entryways

ROSIE - Remote Optical Screening of Individuals in Entryways

ROSIE provides a quick, safe and effective skin temperature of an individual with a + 0.3°F (+.15°C) accuracy rate without being in close contact. ROSIE supplies an automated non-contact temperature scan at a range of 6 –10 feet (1.8 – 3.0 meters) and has a quick and easy set-up allowing for mobility of the system. ROSIE alerts the operator of individuals with elevated temperatures and has the ability to scan and return results in approximately one second.

Key Features and Benefits:

  • Thermal Imaging measures skin temperature faster with the same accuracy as forehead thermometers
  • Increases the rate of screening of individuals entering a facility• Setup and configuration in less than an hour by one person
  • Can be permanently mounted or operated on a tripod
  • PII or health information is not stored or displayed by the system

Compliant with Food and Drug Administration (FDA) COVID 19 Telethermographic Systems guidelines:

This system incorporates elements of the software developed by the MITRE corporation on behalf of the U.S. Government. MITRE is a registered trademark of the MITRE Corporation