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Home  > Safariland - ALS® Level III Duty Holster
Safariland - ALS® Level III Duty Holster
Safariland - ALS® Level III Duty Holster

Safariland - ALS® Level III Duty Holster

  • Level III Retention™ holster
  • Level IV Retention™ with optional Sentry installed
  • ALS® (Automatic Locking System) secures weapon once holstered
  • Hood Guard is standard
  • Slim, compact design allows weapon to ride close to body
  • Simple straight up draw once all releases are deactivated
  • Mid-ride belt loop allows excellent weapon protection and quick, easy draw
  • Fits available for light mounted weapons
  • Offered in 2' (50mm) or 2. 25' (58mm) belt slots only
ModelItem Number
ALS® Level III Duty Holster6360