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Home  > Safariland - ALS® OMV Tactical Holster
Safariland - ALS® OMV Tactical Holster
Safariland - ALS® OMV Tactical Holster

Safariland - ALS® OMV Tactical Holster

  • ALS® (Automatic Locking System) secures weapon once holstered; simple straight up draw once release is deactivated
  • Open-top design without SLS for quick retrieval of weapon
  • Hood Guard is standard; optional ALS Guard available
  • SafariLaminate™ thermal-molded construction protects handgun and sights
  • Adjustable vertical leg strap with quick release detachable leg harness
  • Standard double leg strap and leg shroud with mounting holes for optional accessories
  • Suede lined to protect handgun's finish
  • Leg shroud features silicon strap for non-slip traction
  • Holster is optimized for MOLLE vest use (OMV) with lower center of gravity than most other Safariland tactical holsters for less leverage on vest
ModelItem Number
ALS® OMV Tactical Holster6385