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Home  > Snap-On - Standard Lift System
Snap-On - Standard Lift System
Snap-On - Standard Lift System

Snap-On - Standard Lift System

  • Mobile Column Lift System: 4 Columns, 12.5' Fork Length, Wide Body
  • 4 Mobile Support Stands: 16,000 lbs., Adj. range 51.' to 79.0'
  • Small Wheel Adapters: 1 pair / Column
  • Light Vehicle Adapter: 16,000 lbs. capacity per pair, Wide Body Carriage WB
  • Cart for LVA-8-W: Extension Kit - 2',4',6',8' Extensions, Metal Fork Adapters
  • Main control box to allow separating 2 of the columns from the set
  • Dummy plug allows for separating 2 of the columns from the set
  • Cross-Beam: 32k lbs. capacity
  • Can be operated off a 10K generator
  • 64,000 lbs. lifting capacity
  • 220V - 3 phase
  • High lift wheel dolly
  • Portable oil lift drain included for easy oil changes.
ModelItem Number
Standard Lift System4MCL16KSTDK
Additional Information
ModelItem Number
Standard Lift System4MCL16KSTDK