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Home  > Special Projects Operations - Pelican Mounted Oxygen Booster Pump System
Special Projects Operations - Pelican Mounted Oxygen Booster Pump System
Special Projects Operations - Pelican Mounted Oxygen Booster Pump System

Special Projects Operations - Pelican Mounted Oxygen Booster Pump System

The Pelican® Mounted Pump System (PMBPS™) was designed for mobility and ease of use for the transport of oxygen boosting capabilities for the refilling of oxygen systems.

The PMBPS™ is built within a mobile hard case with boosting capability of 3,000 PSI. The case includes everything needed for oxygen regulation for a safe rate of filling.

The PMBPS™ is available with optional charge hose connections for use with a variety of oxygen systems.


  • Voltage Requirements: 120 60 Hz VAC Driven (also available in 220V 50 Hz)
  • Integrated HP regulator for maintaining safe oxygen charge rate
  • Compact control panel for operation of the system
  • Dimensions: 26.5" L x 25.25" D x 26.5" W
  • Weight: 166 lbs (75.3 Kg)