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Home  > Special Projects Operations - SETS Exothermic Cutting Rods
Special Projects Operations - SETS Exothermic Cutting Rods
Special Projects Operations - SETS Exothermic Cutting Rods

Special Projects Operations - SETS Exothermic Cutting Rods

The SETS Exothermic Cutting Rod is a unique, 100% reliable, fast ignition exothermic cutting rod for use with the Silent Entry Torch System line of products. The rod is unique in that it uses a 9V battery for ignition and uses a quick connect/disconnect fitting for attachment and removal in seconds, unlike the traditional collet style rods. The rods offer a 1" for 1" (1:1) cutting ratio or better on 3/8" steel. The rods can be bent or curved, without the loss of performance in order to perform cutting in unique situations and missions.
  • 9V Battery Ignition
  • Quick connect/disconnect fitting
  • Available in several lengths: 12", 18", 24", 36", 48"
  • 100% Made in the USA