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Home  > Special Projects Operations - Single Vessel Oxygen Storage System
Special Projects Operations - Single Vessel Oxygen Storage System
Special Projects Operations - Single Vessel Oxygen Storage System

Special Projects Operations - Single Vessel Oxygen Storage System

The Single Vessel Oxygen Storage System (SVOSS) is a large volume mobile compressed oxygen workstation. Developed for various operational applications, including medical operations, high-altitude jump operations, and exothermic breaching operations.

The SVOSS provides up to 339 CF (@ 3000 psi) of compressed oxygen, giving a team requiring a very large, but portable reservoir of compressed oxygen a sizable advantage in almost any situation


  • Single 1910 cu in aluminum lined carbon fiber cylinder
  • CGA540 Inlet fill port with isolation on/off valve
  • Cylinder and outlet pressure gauge
  • Adjustable regulator for output adjustment
  • Three (3) QD outlets for connecting multiple LP O2 hoses
  • Removable and stowable wheels for system stacking and mobility when needed
  • Built in mounting system for connecting multiple SVOSS systems together
  • Dimensions: 56.5" H x 12" D x 12" W
  • Weight: 92 lbs empty/103 lbs filled @3000 psi
  • Capacity: 9.584 L @3000 psi (339 cubic feet)