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Home  > SSK Military Industries, Inc. - Expert CYPRES 2
SSK Military Industries, Inc. - Expert CYPRES 2
SSK Military Industries, Inc. - Expert CYPRES 2
SSK Military Industries, Inc. - Expert CYPRES 2

SSK Military Industries, Inc. - Expert CYPRES 2

The Expert CYPRES 2 is a parachute Automatic Activation Device that initiates reserve deployment in emergency situations. It is the most commonly used model among sport skydivers as it meets the demands of a wide range of jumpers.

The Expert CYPRES 2 activates the cutter when it detects a descent rate higher than 78mpg (35m/s) at an approximate default altitude of 750 ft (225m) above ground level (AGL). As with all Sport (civilian) CYPRES models, there is a feature that allows the user to increase the activation altitude setting if desired.

The referenced part number is for the 1-Pin version and includes Lifetime Maintenance (LTM). Other variants, such as the 2-Pin version are available.