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Home  > Strategic Operations - 6-N-1 TCCC Trainer
Strategic Operations - 6-N-1 TCCC Trainer
Strategic Operations - 6-N-1 TCCC Trainer

Strategic Operations - 6-N-1 TCCC Trainer

The 6-in-1 trainer is a one of a kind training aide which enables medical personnel to apply medical techniques without the risk of injury to a live patient.Ê With the 6-in-1 trainer, medical personnel will be able to place NPA's, OPA's, perform surgical airways, needle thoracentisis, and sternal/proximal humeral intraosseous catheter insertion.Ê The Hyper-Realistic™ head and upper torso are constructed from a foam-filled, anatomically similar resin skeleton with user-repairable silicone body skin, neck skins, tracheas, and user-replaceable intraosseous training pucks. The 6-in-1 comes with:
  • 3 Neck Skins
  • 10 Tracheas
  • 1 Repair Kit