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Home  > Tactical Electronics - CORE Articualting Scope
Tactical Electronics - CORE Articualting Scope
Tactical Electronics - CORE Articualting Scope

Tactical Electronics - CORE Articualting Scope

Capture digitally encrypted, High-Definition video with the CORE Articulating Scope. The 4-way 150 degree articulating camera neck provides excellent video quality and upstanding low-light sensitivity. Video is streamed wirelessly to the CORE monitor over an AES Encrypted channel. An optional hardwire cable connection is available for RF-restricted environments. Additionally, a 1.0in eyepiece displays video without requiring a separate monitor. High intensity UV illumination can be activated and dimmed either directly on the camera, or remotely via the CORE Monitor.
  • High-Definition 1280x720p Color Video
  • 4-way 150 degree articulation
  • Color Eyepiece - AMOLED Display
  • High-intensity UV LED Illumination
  • Wireless Video Transmission - 5 GHz
  • AES Encryption
  • WPA2-PSK Authentication
  • Graphical LCD for status information
  • Hardwire video option
  • Backlit push buttons
  • MicroSD card video recording (32GB)