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Home  > Tactical Electronics - SWIFT Videoscope
Tactical Electronics - SWIFT Videoscope
Tactical Electronics - SWIFT Videoscope
Tactical Electronics - SWIFT Videoscope
Tactical Electronics - SWIFT Videoscope

Tactical Electronics - SWIFT Videoscope

The SWIFT Video Scope features an 8mm distal tip and 4-way articulation. Video is viewable through the built-in eyepiece, on any Tactical Electronics monitor, or an Android device with the TE View mobile app. The 8mm distal tip provides illumination by an adjustable internal 400nm UV LED.

The camera head moves in four directions (160° up, 130° down, 100° left/right) and is controlled via fine-touch paddles. The SWIFT Video Scope is available with a 12in or 24in long probe. The SWIFT Video Scope features a rugged, locking Tactical Accessory Port (TAP) that provides USB 2.0, 100Mbps Ethernet, and 12VDC power in. The USB and Ethernet interfaces can be used to stream video to any Tactical Electronics Monitor, ATAK, TE View App, or MANET radios. All SWIFT products offer Stand-By Mode to help preserve battery life and provide a quick return to video within 10 seconds."