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Home  > Teledyne FLIR - Fido X3
Teledyne FLIR - Fido X3
Teledyne FLIR - Fido X3

Teledyne FLIR - Fido X3

Fido X3 is the lightest (<3 lbs; 1.4 kg) and most sensitive handheld explosive vapor and trace detection (ETD) device available. It detects and classifies military, traditional, homemade and liquid explosive threats on surfaces and in the air. This portable ETD is the first line of defense in securing a scene and safeguarding lives. It expedites on-site decision making with automated 10 second threat reporting via color coded Go/No-Go alarms. Thousands of Fido X series detectors are deployed in security checkpoints around the world. Accurate, easy to use, and field proven Ð Fido X3 is an ETD you can count on.