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Home  > Teledyne FLIR - ThermoSightTM HISS-XLR
Teledyne FLIR - ThermoSightTM HISS-XLR
Teledyne FLIR - ThermoSightTM HISS-XLR

Teledyne FLIR - ThermoSightTM HISS-XLR

Extended long range thermal weapon sight.
  • See targets in total darkness, through smoke, fog, and most obscurants
  • High resolution display, with sharper symbology and imagery
  • Engage targets at ranges from 1500m to 2000m
  • CR-123A Batteries: Runs more than four hours on eight CR123A batteries; can operate with as few as four
  • HISS is engineered for battlefield use, successfully tested on weapons up to and including .50 cal
  • Provides additional tactical flexibility
  • Rail mount in front of day scope with no re-alignment or re-zeroing of weapon
  • Built-in DVR with removable SD card
  • Control sight with remote pendant