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Home  > Thales - AN/PRC-148 JTRS Enhanced MBITR (JEM)
Thales - AN/PRC-148 JTRS Enhanced MBITR (JEM)
Thales - AN/PRC-148 JTRS Enhanced MBITR (JEM)

Thales - AN/PRC-148 JTRS Enhanced MBITR (JEM)

The AN/PRC-148 Joint Tactical Radio System (JTRS) Enhanced Multiband Inter/Intra Team Radio, or JEM, is an evolution of the combat-proven AN/PRC-148 MBITR. This Software Communications Architecture-compliant platform hosts all of today's key waveforms and enables the integration of program enhancements, future waveforms, and additional modes via simple software downloads. The programmable cryptography supports the requirements of the National Security Agency's (NSA) crypto modernization program and is certified by NSA to protect the confidentiality of voice and data up through the Top Secret level. Programmable INFOSEC enables interoperability with a full range of legacy systems and allows for non-Type 1 or exportable INFOSEC implementations. Through a significant level of design similarity with the AN/PRC-148 MBITR, the AN/PRC-148 JEM's features - like the human-machine interface, minimize training requirements, enable rapid fielding, and provide the reliability that warfighters have trusted for years. The AN/PRC-148 is the cornerstone of a complete communications solution for mounted and dismounted operations including vehicle adapters and vehicle adapter amplifiers, base stations, man-portable systems, and a complete line of accessories.
  • Contiguous 30 to 512 MHz Coverage
  • Programmable Encryption Engine (AIM)
  • 256 programmable presets
  • Weighs less than 2 pounds
  • 2M/20 immersible
  • Compliant with the Universal Battery Charger (UBC) family of tactical chargers