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Home  > Thales - AN/PRC-148B MBITR2
Thales - AN/PRC-148B MBITR2
Thales - AN/PRC-148B MBITR2

Thales - AN/PRC-148B MBITR2

The MBITR2, the next generation Multiband Inter/Intra Team Radio, builds on the legacy of the smallest, lightest, most power-efficient multiband, tactical, handheld radio in use today. By leveraging technologies based on the leading narrowband AN/PRC-148 tactical handheld radio and the leading wideband AN/PRC-154 tactical handheld radio, the MBITR2 provides the dismounted warfighter with the ability to integrate into the wideband tactical IP and voice network via the Soldier Radio Waveform (SRW) wideband channel while simultaneously maintaining legacy reach back via the narrowband channel Ð two radios in one form factor. The MBITR2 retains interoperability with existing fielded radios and addresses tomorrow's requirements for a next generation, wideband, networking handheld radio. A low-risk and cost-effective approach to fielding is provided through an upgrade path for the more than 200,000 AN/PRC-148s currently deployed. Further, the common look and feel of the MBITR2 minimizes training, provides for common logistics support, and retains compatibility with the existing installed base of ancillaries.