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Home  > Thales - AN/PRC-154A Rifleman Radio
Thales - AN/PRC-154A Rifleman Radio
Thales - AN/PRC-154A Rifleman Radio

Thales - AN/PRC-154A Rifleman Radio

The AN/PRC-154A Rifleman Radio is a lightweight, rugged, body worn radio that transmits voice and data simultaneously utilizing the Soldier Radio Waveform. It brings secure inter-squad networked communications to the soldier at the tactical edge of the battlefield network. The radio allows self-forming, ad hoc, voice and data networks and enables any leader at the tactical level to track individual soldier Position Location Information, giving dismounted soldiers a much-needed situational awareness capability. The AN/PRC-154A Rifleman Radio is capable of providing soldiers with access to the government's classified networks at the Secret level and below. The functionality of the Rifleman Radio is critical for the DoD's plan to build out a ubiquitous tactical communications network to facilitate voice and data communications interconnectivity anywhere around the globe.