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Home  > Thales - MissionLINK Mobile Satellite Communications
Thales - MissionLINK Mobile Satellite Communications
Thales - MissionLINK Mobile Satellite Communications

Thales - MissionLINK Mobile Satellite Communications

Thales MissionLINK utilizes Iridium CertusSM broadband services over a network of 66 satellites that spans the globe. This solution utilizes a robust network service to provide highly reliable, mobile and essential voice, text and web communications, giving your critical operation global communications coverage regardless of the landscape. It is the solution to depend on for essential communications wherever your mission takes you. Whether you operate as part of a deployed team or an individual user, this commercialized, military-grade solution is designed to meet your unique challenges through a simple, adaptable robust design.
  • Radio over IP extendable network
  • Provides reliable 100% global satellite coverage you can depend on wherever your mission takes you
  • Future-proofed solutions for higher speed services
  • Simple, adaptable, robust and configurable to meet the real-life needs of any user, environment or location
  • Low latency data and voice communications