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Home  > Thales - Modular Universal Battery Charger
Thales - Modular Universal Battery Charger
Thales - Modular Universal Battery Charger

Thales - Modular Universal Battery Charger

The Modular Universal Battery Charger (MUBC) is a state-of-the-art scalable charging system that provides the ability to charge a wide range of military and commercial batteries and also provides for the addition of new batteries through software upgradeability and an innovative modular design. The base unit weighs less than 6 pounds, is small enough to be carried in a ruck sack, and is rugged enough to be vehicle mounted. The unit can also be cascaded with an identical unit to double the base unit charging capability. This system is based on technology from field-proven trials and allows charging while under heavy rain and other harsh environmental conditions. The system is optimized to provide the warfighter with the ability to harvest power from a wide variety of sources solar as well as a variety of other power sources. The MUBC combines the functions and capabilities of multiple battery chargers in one small, scalable package versus multiple standard chargers. It provides battery charging technology to the warfighter through a highly rugged, field-deployable, multi-battery modular solution for austere mission environments. Charges multiple warfighter batteries.
  • AN/PRC-148
  • AN/PRC-152
  • AN/PRC-154
  • BB-2590
  • Land Warrior and Nett Warrior LI-80 and LI-145
  • Conformal batteries