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Home  > TYR Tactical - Direct Action Special Forces Load Carriage System
TYR Tactical - Direct Action Special Forces Load Carriage System
TYR Tactical - Direct Action Special Forces Load Carriage System

TYR Tactical - Direct Action Special Forces Load Carriage System

TYR Tactical® COMA Sniper Harness is an extremely lightweight versatile load carriage platform that was developed with the direct feedback from US Special Operations Snipers. The COMA features a uniquely designed low profile shoulder harness that allows for exceptional load carriage and comfort.

System Includes:
  • 1 TYR Tactical® COMA Sniper Harness
  • 1 TYR Tactical® COMA Back Panel 100oz Hydration Pocket
  • 1 TYR Tactical® 100 oz. Hydration Pouch
  • 1 TYR Tactical® PRC-152 Drop-Down/Tilt-Out Radio Pouch
  • 2 TYR Tactical® Single Grenade Pouch
  • 1 Huron™ Assaulter's Sustainment Pack – SOF
  • 1 TYR Tactical® Small 5"x 5" General Purpose Pouch
  • 2 TYR Tactical® Medium 5" x 9" Upright General Purpose Pouch
  • 4 TYR Tactical® Combat Adjustable Rifle Mag Pouch
  • 1 TYR Tactical® Small Dump Pouch
  • 1 TYR Tactical® Admin Pouch – GRID
  • 1 TYR Tactical® Single 5.56 Open Top Rifle Mag Pouch
  • 1 TYR Tactical® Assaulter's Flashbang Pouch
  • 1 TYR Tactical® Breaching Tool/Charge Holder Pouch