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Home  > TYR Tactical - Huron™ Assaulters Sustainment Pack (Direct Action)
TYR Tactical - Huron™ Assaulters Sustainment Pack (Direct Action)
TYR Tactical - Huron™ Assaulters Sustainment Pack (Direct Action)

TYR Tactical - Huron™ Assaulters Sustainment Pack (Direct Action)

This low profile pack is extremely versatile with exceptionally progressive attributes. Uses high strength patented PV® in vital areas to improve pack stability when loaded. Generous amounts of webbing allow scaling the pack up or down for different mission sets and have several multi-facet adjustable internal compartments to fit different operator needs.

  • Multiple wiring channels
  • Antenna routing area
  • Capable of carrying 117 radio
  • Hydration storage
  • Removable shoulders
  • Fixed beavertail
  • Administration internal pouch 70 or 100 oz. Hydration Bladder
  • Removable spacer mesh back panel that allows ASP007 to be worn as a standard pack or attached to vest/plate carrier