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Home  > TYR Tactical - MICO - Machine Gunners Assault Pack
TYR Tactical - MICO - Machine Gunners Assault Pack
TYR Tactical - MICO - Machine Gunners Assault Pack

TYR Tactical - MICO - Machine Gunners Assault Pack

TYR Tactical® MICO is a Light and Heavy Machine Gunners Assault Pack for 7.62 or 5.56 rounds and the newest innovation in weaponry and tactical gear. The MICO is outfitted with custom lightweight feed shoot, cover and weapons feed attachment. The pack holds 500 rounds plus an additional 75 rounds in the feed shoot. The main body pack is equipped with adjustable waist belt and shoulder straps.
  • 7.62 or 5.56 Caliber
  • Light and Heavy Machine Gunners Assault Pack
  • Main body pack with adjustable waist belt
  • Custom lightweight feed chute and cover
  • Includes one 500 round ammunition magazine
  • Weapons feed attachment [Weapons Adapter is not included]
  • Hydration pouch and two medium accessory pouches
  • Weapons sling [attachable to the MICO frame]
  • Wt: 16 lbs. 3 oz. without ammunition
  • Attachments available for Mark 46, Mark 48, M240, M249