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Home  > TYR Tactical - PICO Assaulters Plate Carrier
TYR Tactical - PICO Assaulters Plate Carrier
TYR Tactical - PICO Assaulters Plate Carrier

TYR Tactical - PICO Assaulters Plate Carrier

TYR Tactical® PICO Assaulters Plate Carrier is truly one of the most sophisticated and revolutionary designs in plate carrier armor. Designed utilizing our extremely lightweight PV® material in key areas, it has 7-10 times the abrasion resistance of normal 500d Codura. It was engineered for both long term load carry and as a low profile plate carrier armor system.
  • Removable MOLLE kangaroo front flap, holds three 5.56 Mags
  • PALS webbing for MOLLE attachment
  • Hydration/Communication tabs for routing
  • Accepts most standard issue and SOF specialty plates
  • Removable Padded Shoulder Pads
  • Reinforced drag handle
  • Repair Buckle Kit
  • Comes standard with PALS adapter sets
  • Several armor and size options available.