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Home  > U.S. Chemical Storage - Type 2 Explosives Magazines
U.S. Chemical Storage - Type 2 Explosives Magazines
U.S. Chemical Storage - Type 2 Explosives Magazines
U.S. Chemical Storage - Type 2 Explosives Magazines
U.S. Chemical Storage - Type 2 Explosives Magazines

U.S. Chemical Storage - Type 2 Explosives Magazines

U.S. Chemical Storage specializes in code-compliant chemical storage buildings customized for government entities and unique military mission-critical requirements.

We engineer both fire-rated and non fire-rated chemical storage buildings to protect against injuries or the loss of mission-critical equipment.

Our team designs custom and custom prefabricated chemical storage buildings to meet NFPA, EPA, and OSHA requirements for chemical storage, drop-over equipment buildings, lithium battery charging buildings, modular buildings, and explosive magazines.
Type 2 Outoor 36 X 36 X 36 Explosive storage magazines rated for the compliant storage of high explosives. Portable outdoor storage of your high explosives. Many models include forklift pockets for easy relocating. Indoor models and a wide variety of additional sizes available.
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